Sunday, December 27, 2009
Who's a Tough Guy? Go Pope!

All the best to Coach Meyer and his family
I'm sure my fellow SEC fans from the Eastern Division of the SEC were just as shocked, but willing to accept the departure. Comments?
Once seeing the press conference today from New Orleans there were questions asked and unanswered. What ever Coach Meyer and his family is dealing with, my hope, it is not serious and doesn't affect his quality of life. You, your family, your team, and fans are in my thoughts and prayers.
Isn't it amazing that all of the professional success in the world is unimportant when family and health come to the forefront. Jobs come and go. Family and health are a one shot deal. Get this wrong and there is no do over or instant replay.
Coach, it is my hope that whatever it is you are dealing with in private, is brief. You have again showed many a life lesson. All the best to you and your family.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Meet with Newest Member of the Family

Notice the picture of my lovely wife holding the puppy. This was an instance of me making a command decision. Yep, I said it. I didn't have spousal approval before deciding to add a mouth to feed to the crew.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Cadet Carlton slays the Commodores

It was nice to see the Golden Knights of the Hudson with a win over an SEC team. Okay, maybe not an SEC powerhouse. But, academically, these folks probably match up closer than any other team.
Cadet Alex Carlton, 186 pound sophomore, from Wilmington, Delaware, kicked a 42 yard field goal in overtime to beat Vandy. The game was played at the Michie Stadium on the West Point campus. Okay, it was close; the field ball did bounce off the upright, but, good is good.
At this point in the season the cadets are 3 and 3. The next team will be Temple in Philadelphia.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Cultural Season Begins

Friday, October 2, 2009
Great Read - Lot's of fun

For more on Robert Fulghum follow the link to his site. Learn more about his writings and read his frequent notes. Hope you enjoy. I did.
Pub. Date: September 2007
Friday, September 25, 2009
Chicken Soup - Saves a Puny Man
On Wednesday yours truly was being pounded by a bug. A temp of 103, a sore throat, and general wimpiness. So, being home from work I decide while laying in the bed, and not wanting to go anywhere, to make a connection to the outside world through Facebook and Twitter. Just to update the world on my lack of well being. Okay, a lesson; if you tell it, people will respond.
The responses came literally from all over the country. This wining thing when sick garnered some serious sympathy and provided good cheer to the one hiding behind his woobie. Ms Henry asked if there was anything she could do from over 60 miles away. So putting me out of my misery would take some time. (Not seriously considered, just a figure of speech) A note from Mom Said So in Connecticut hoping it wasn't the flu. A number of well wishers from throughtout the southeast. Then, THE Golden Ticket!
To put you in the frame of mind you have to have seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Either version, old or new. To understand the pleasure and unadulterated joy that Mr. Charlie Bucket must have felt upon finding the last of the tickets that would grant him access to the land of confections that Mr. Wonka makes inside his factory.
Ms Ann, the local maker of perfection confections and other meals of renowned (Annie Cakes) offered.....Holding your breath now; some Chicken Soup to save the wimpy! Mind you, this isn't the stuff from the can. This is the real poultice to ward off what ails you! The message. "Chicken soup is on the way!" Wohoo! I have been granted access to the kitchen of Ms Ann. I began to feel light headed. I didn't know if it was the bug or the emotion of finally getting through the steel doors of Ms Wonka's factory of goodies. Later it was determined to be the excitement of the goodies. I had to start feeling better to have food provided by Ms. Ann.
Too call this magic elixir just Chicken Soup is like telling Hussein Bolt that he is kind of fast. This stuff when it arrived by special certified courier was magical. Real Chicken Soup. Home made with large chucks of poultry, a liquid that made the sickness shoot from my body like Big John Coffee did for Tom Hanks character in the book and movie the Green Mile. This stuff caused some serious recovery.
There were also non sick people in the house that were able to enjoy the magic pourage. It caused general good cheer and happiness throughout the house.
Ms. Ann, you should get a license and a patent on that stuff. Maybe you could feed it to people out there managing our economy. Man alive I just know the recession would be over! Powerful, powerful stuff.
Thanks for coming to my rescue. As always, you are my hero!
Newest Wilson Arrives on Scene
No, Coach Williams. It is too early for him to commit. He is also considering the MIT Scholarship at this time.
(My thanks to Ms M. the photographer. She was joannie on the spot with the pics. Wish we could have been there with you.)
Friday, September 18, 2009
Thelma and Louise are coming to my house.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Spending time with my youngest lady
Little Brother/Little Sister
Sweet thing did ask this week if she could be a big sister. This caused her Mom and me to give each other a couple of looks. It appears that Dabba has heard from friends at school about how you become a big brother or big sister! WOW! (This is the five alarm fire announcement that puts you on your toes)
My though is oh! I can't wait to see what she has learned after only about four weeks in Kindergarten. And I was wondering what the President was going to say to the kids. At this point I'm thinking his message, whatever it is, was going to be is kind of late!
"So, Mom and Dad, if we put our name on the list we can have a baby brother or sister!" More looks exchanged between the parental units. Relief! And confusion is the first two things after hearing the request. Okay, so science and biology class in Kindergarten haven't advanced that much since I was in over forty years ago, expect for the fire and the electricity thing. (Mimi, we have another entry for the book!) Not sure about the list but this will be an okay discussion.
Smiles now appear on the face of the relieved parents. See, as the six year old explains, there is a family in school that has recently applied for adoption. So, putting your name on a list is how you get a baby brother or sister. And, Dabba, doesn't want to be left out. She also has an Aunt and Uncle that live near Washington DC that are expecting any day now so there have been some baby discussions. Again, relief about the biological understanding thing. Thinking this might be a good time to have a redirect about a pet!
The topics passed after we discussed we might want to be off the list while we focus on her and her other siblings. There are hugs exchanged. I can tell this is not the last time we will have this discussion. Cause being the "baby" in the family isn't much fun if you don't have a little brother or little sister.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Happy Blogoversary to Me
Can't believe it. This blog has survived two trips around the sun! Don't know that I have solved world hunger, done anything to reduce greenhouse gases or even righted any wrongs in the society. But, I'm still on occasion cranking out some text and sharing my views even if it is just me listening sometimes!
Being reflective when I started this process I didn't know what to expect. Had no idea what would happen when I decided to connect to the electronic world. All I can say is that I would have missed the experience of a lifetime.
I have met some great people in parts of the country and the world that I would not have usually had the opportunity to experience. And, it has been a learning process. Personally and technologically. The names of these folks alone tell you something about their take on the world. The Nap Warden, Wilson Six......Egel's Nest, Cause Mom Said So, A Free Man Down Under, Dad Gone Mad. Great people and great stories.
There has been laughter, tears, smiles, and frowns. Topics have ranged from sports, politics, stupid people tricks, blogs about my crew and updates about family and friends.
This has been lots of fun. Looking forward to more posts that cover topics from A to Z.
Happy Blogoversary to me!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Bulldog Red Wins 16 to zero

Here is the victor supported by his own Cheerleader. It was a wonderful day for some football.
The day started with the application of the bulldog logo to the helmet. An hour before the game. So I stopped and said hello to some good friends. Next thing we are working the concession stand. Then I'm working the grill making burgers and hot dogs. Cooking! Putting burgers and dogs in the bun then wrapping the goodies for sale. We had fun. I was glad to get to the game.
Will keep everyone updated throughout the season.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Public Service Announcement - Free Chicken

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Bumper Sticker - Concealment?
Now, bumper stickers are the graffiti of the socially conscious, the obnoxious, educational notes, or just personal mission advertisements. Not sure. I do question why people will stick stuff on their cars. But, that is the choice of the owner.
Some put one or two stickers on their vehicles. Others apply enough of the sticky messages that it makes you wonder if the driver can see the other vehicles on the highway.
The sticker I saw this morning, at first, I consider a joke, then a potential warning. Then I was just perplexed at the message. The bumper sticker announced that the driver was a member of the United States Concealed Carry Association. Hum!?
What on earth? A bumper sticker telling me that the driver may be carrying a concealed weapon? Doesn't the bumper sticker, making the announcement, defeat the purpose of the concealment? Okay, it was early in the morning. But, I did give the driver a little more room! So the bumper sticker may have had the intended affect. I was hopeful that the driver wasn't a fellow employee. Sorry, but I did wonder if the driver would turn in to the Post Office.
As I passed by the driver I noticed his very large black cowboy hat and smiled thinking that I know his secret. He is packing and he told me but it is concealed.
When I got home this evening I checked to see if this was a social comment or a real bumper sticker. I did learn that there is a group out there called The Ultimate Resource of the Armed Citizen, the United States Concealed Carry Association. So, it appears to be the real deal
Tomorrow I will be cautious as I approach the trucks at the intersection.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
You never know what your day will bring

Saturday, August 22, 2009
A new low! Stealing from a 70 year old!
These crooks are organized. They have people who are pretending to be an international banker from New York City, a Custom's person at the Dallas airport, a Publisher's clearinghouse rep, and another character that calls to provide prize updates. Places like Puerto Rico, Costa Rico, New York City, Dallas, Texas, and Memphis, Tennessee are involved in this intrigue. If this wasn't so hurtful to my friend the creativity shown by the crooks would make a great movie.
What bothers me is that there are a lot of public company names being used in the scam. When each has been contacted they have been polite but haven't helped much. The authorities that have been contacted all think the process is a scam. But, they can't help. Each suggesting we talk to another. My frustration is this can't be the only person in the U.S. facing this dilemma. When you call "Publisher's Clearinghouse" they have two phone options for if you have received a communication or believe you are being scammed! Obviously, not an isolated event.
After escalating from dollars to get the gift it appeared to have stopped. Then a the crooks are back. These folks are calling promising something that isn't coming. Then they propose a solution to get the money paid in back to my friend. But it requires another activity to enrich them.
Suggestions on how to get these people stopped? I would like to personally find the scum bags that are taking advantage of my friend in her 70's.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Have the politicians forgotten who they work for?
It appears that once the election is over the people elected from other areas of the country, committee chairs, and a members of their political groups, Speakers, Whips, majority and minor leaders, the activity groups, become more important than their boss! The people they represent! Hello, remember us!
I was taught a simple lesson in school. School work first. Extracurricular activities follow. Any others out there in electronic world heard the same message? Last Monday night I received a refresher in the message at my daughter's freshmen orientation for High School. So, the message must be time tested and practiced.
Watching the responses from the "elected" representatives at the Federal level as they listen to the VoX Populi ask them tough questions is astounding to me. Obviously, the people who work for us haven't faced a status report, an evaluation, or had a face to face with the boss, on their progress in a while. They seem surprised that as the economic conditions in the rest of the country have changed that we the People are expecting better service from those who represent us!. In regular people terms; we are expecting more for less not less for the future. Maybe they need to hear from VoX Boss! (Okay, not a real Latin term, meaning voice of the boss!)
I'm seeing the real surprise in their faces, both on television and in person, as the Members of Congress are being asked about their spending, their attendance, their knowledge of the facts, and why they voted in a manner that didn't represent the boss. My fellow Americans, maybe it is time we start paying greater attention to what the custodian's of our funds are doing when the go to work. I sure plan to let my two senators, representative, and President know that, We the people, are on the job. I'm also looking into the state, county and local officials to see what they have been up to.
Hey, hear me out! The frustration I am feeling is that I haven't been watching my employees as closely as I should have. Shame on me! Just giving my employees fair warning that the boss and his buddies are now comparing notes on their work performance.
In this call to action what should you do? Find out the names of the people who work for you at the federal, state, county and municipal level. See how they are doing. In person. Not through the news filters, or the notes they send us, or based on any special interest group report card. It is time for We the people to get our employees working for us.
I'd like to hear your thoughts.
Catching up with friends
Explored my sisters business. Watered plants and learned that she has over 80 different kinds of Japanese Maple Trees. Also, learned a valuable lesson about chameleons. (Later post with pictures)
We spent real time with friends and family. Loved it!
Can't wait for the day to get started so we can do some more.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Yep, My son is playing football.

My son is playing football. I'm excited for him.
Starting with a discussion last Monday at the local pool the young man shared his desire to play. This was news. He hadn't expressed any interest. then bingo.
So, this past week has been a flurry of activity to make it happen. All of this fell on dear old Mom to get things together. Jen was buying cleats, football pants and a chin strap.
I'm a little jealous. H, received a new helmet, the kind with the vents cut in the crown of the helmet and real padding inside. This would have prevented a few headaches in high school and college. He looks great in his football gear.
He appears to be either headed for the position of running back or cornerback. When chased he covers some ground quickly.
Will keep you posted on the progress of the Red team.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
On the Way to Boy Scout Camp

Once at Midway airport we were able to find a Ben & Jerry's and the Blues Brothers. There was a picture moment for sure. There was also a stop for the "Man food", some chicken nuggets for the conoseur of everything chicken.The picture above is where H stayed at the Frank Childress Scout Ranch in Diamond, Missouri. His Webelos pack spent the week earning badges. We had a couple of more days of man time on and off. H camped and I went home and to work. Visits for a couple evenings allowed us to catch up on the day's activities.
Chance to Win a Jersey or a Cadillac
All you need to do is add in your email address and then add the code word for a chance to win. I kept a number of these on a piece of paper throughout the tour. The others I have researched.
If you win a jersey or a Cadillac please enjoy
They are in alphabetical order
disc wheel
feed zone
rpm performance
I appreciate the the people at Versus that provided the coverage to the Tour of Lance, oh! sorry, Tour de France. This was been a great tour. They go to Paris tomorrow to wrap up this years event.
It began in Monaco, through Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Andorra, and all over France. I enjoyed seeing the Alps, the Pyrenees Moutains, the Mediterrean, rivers, valleys, fields, over all of the parts of France and its neighboring countries.
The athletes, like Hincappie, Contador, Schleck's, Armstrong, Karpettis, Wiggins, Martin, Kloden, and Lipheimer. What these men to day in day out on a bicycle is amazing.
Can't wait till next year.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Watching Wipe out on Television
My kids can't help but chuckle as they watch the contestants to take the abuse that the designers of the game show dish out. It is tough to watch some spots.
Granted this isn't a mentally challenging 30 minutes of television. It is funny to hear the Monday morning quarterbacking that goes on with the suggestions to the people who are actually on the gameshow.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Spending "Man Time"
Don't get us wrong. The two of us males love the females in our homestead. But every now and then we need to step out of the estrogen ocean onto a testosterone island.
We rode along together, talking, eating, making jokes, practicing our Scout knowledge and just being guys. Topics ranged from his camp physical that day, potentially a whole other post, to the rental car, to cool discovery topics. We discussed how my dad had taken me along on trips when I was H's age. (I can see the look in his eye when he thinks about me being a kid!) It makes me smile.
We had a great time. H still doesn't understand what we did when we didn't bring along, IPod’s, Nintendo’s, power connections, etc. to make trips entertaining. That look I discussed comes back!
The rental car I mentioned came into the trip when I developed car trouble on the ride home from work earlier in the afternoon. I commute about 65 miles to work each way so car trouble takes on a life of its own. Anyway, I dropped my car at the shop to be worked on and called the company that picks you up to deliver a car. You have to be standing there at the auto shop when the thing pulls up. One of the mechanics laughs out loud and says, "What is that?" Instantly, I knew that would have to be the car I was going to be using until my car was repaired.
Some more background. On the way to the shop, H hears me making the rental car reservation. "Hey, dad, will we get a cool car for the trip? How about an Expedition, or a Red Mustang, you know something cool." At nine cool is important. I'm thinking about price and functionality. With only 45 minutes until all of the rental car places in town close, I'm not being too picky.
Picture this rental car. Red, four doors, and very small. It was a Chevy Aveo! The car came with crank windows and only plunger door locks! It did have the new car smell. My son had never ridden in a car with crank windows. So we didn't look so manly in the four cylinder, Flintstone mobile. But, hey! After some giggling and hand adjusting the side mirrors, we were off on our guy time adventure. Ah, answer to H's earlier question, very low cool factor.
While at the work site, H, met the other adults there. I was being the proud dad, when he extended his hand to say hello and greet them. Nice going! H met a man that was from New Zealand. There was a discussion about the accent. H also hung out with a guy I work with who talked with him, gave piggy back rides, and called him H. There was a lot of knuckle pounding going on that evening.
The trip home at 2:00 a.m. was a good bit quieter than the ride over. He hung tough keeping me company as long as he could.
This was a great trip. I'm looking forward to the next time we get to spend some "Man time" together.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Memorial Day Weekend
I have seen the headstones in Arlington National Cemetery, the Post Cemetery @ West Point, New York, the battlefields at Gettysburg, fields in Asia, Europe, and countless other places around the globe where Americans of every, race, creed, color, religion, and ethnic background are together in their final resting place. The places read like history lessons of military battles, events, or accidents, and tragedies where the individual was a participant performing service for our nation.
Please remember that the ultimate purpose of the weekend. To set aside a day out of the year for the nation to remember, reflect and honor those who have served. Take time as you go about your day to honor and remember those who have given so much, paying the ultimate price. Remember those who have fallen and the families and children that are without that member of their family. Remember, these people who gave so that we can have the freedom, liberty and independence each and every day.
All the best on this Memorial Day weekend.
Penguins Win Again, Lead the Conference Finals 3-0

Marc-Andre Fleury, in goal for the Pens, has been keeping the Canes off the scoreboard. Fleury, who struggled a bit against Washington, has seen the defense in front of him rise to the challenge.
Tuesday night should be interesting. Go Pens!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Father and Daughter Day
We then did team pictures. Watched her eldest sibling referee an indoor soccer game.
We did lunch, a hair cut, some shopping, a trip to Sonic, a trip to Petland and then some veg time. You know you can learn a lot by listening to a five year old. She was lots of fun and had some very interesting observations of what the world is like.
As we waited for the haircut we looked through the books of different haircuts. We played a game of guess what haircut the other wanted. She picked the George Clooney haircut for me then the Goth guy. I selected the Shirley Temple curly for her. She laughed. And I picked some of the haircuts that swoop over the eye, I called them one eye pictures. She laughed.
When we were shopping she picked out one of the models on a Kohl's picture and said it looked like me! Oh, yea. Who says love isn't blind!
When we got home we had a couple of messages from a friend wanting her to play. She had spent a long day with me. Graciously she mentioned that she would like to play with her buddy. Looks like I'm gonna have to hang with the spouse!
Hope you had a great Saturday.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Stanley Cup Playoffs - Penguins Win

Thursday, April 16, 2009
The Beach comes to the House
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter to All
All had a great time. A number of members of the family celebrated that Lent was over allowing the consumption of chocolate, ice cream and some other things that were given up for the last forty days.
Hope all had a wonderful Easter. We did.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Interesting Weekend
We had car repairs over the weekend when the spouse's car failed to start in the garage on Saturday evening. With our schedule we were all headed in different directions. Quick modifications to the plans, a call to AAA and remembering there were jumper cables saved the evenings events. On Sunday, Auto Zone gets a big kudos, in a separate post, for great service at the right time.
We had multiple kids doing the spend the night thing and a soccer game on Sunday. There was a school project on the Common Cold and family movie night.
Today as I passed Tractor Supply there was a sign for Ducks and Chicks. I first took my eldest daughter in when we were out running errands. She thought it was cool to see the little poultry. Later in the afternoon the two youngest went back with me.
All got to hold a Duck and a Chick. The Tractor Supply associate keep offering to put a number of them in the box for us to take home. This gentlemen is obviously single. Okay, it is only $4.25 for a duck. And $1.95 for a chicken. Well within my spending range. But, with the house on the market and the fact these cute things will be big enough to be out of the enclosure shown above this wouldn't be a marriage enhancing move on my part. I did think about it. Lots of fun. My parents acquired some Ducks and a Rabbit one year for Easter. Great memories!
Did you know that the air holes for a duck on on his beak? The little duck not only has webbed feet but there are claws on them. When you pick one up it makes a good bit of noise. When you put it back the other Duck buddies come over to check on the well being of the comrade.
To wrap up the weekend the family grilled out this evening. Big fun. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
March Madness has arrived
Another of my brothers and his lovely wife celebrated the arrival of their granddaughter, Gabriella, within the last week.
What a great family time! We can’t wait to meet all of the newest additions to the family. The pictures are beautiful.
On the basketball side of the house the last week has been very interesting. All of the planned first seeds in the NCAA tournament have lost. Pitt, North Carolina, Oklahoma, all dropped games in their conference tournaments, oops! This year’s tournament should be lots of fun. This will also be a tough week. There are over 364 Division I basketball teams. Two Hundred and ninety nine of the basketball teams will be on the outside of the event looking in. It should be fun. Time to develop the brackets. Let the basketball madness commence.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
It’s Spring Break at our House
In our house that means four kids are now available to assist their parental units in whatever tasks, deemed appropriate, for the development of their character. Parental speak for completing chores, cleaning rooms, and fluffing the parents pillows! Yea right! It is nice to dream.
This week has caused some confusion for my 5 year old. Since she is out of school, she would like to know when I get Spring Break! I can’t wait to see my boss on Monday morning. (With the economy the way, it is I’m sure it might not be the right time to ask!) Nevertheless, my darling daughter has hit on a concept that I think should be explored. With vision like this why can’t they wave the constitutional requirement that the President has to be thrity six years old. I wonder how she can do in Economics.)
We are scheduling the week of sleepovers, social events, mall trips, movies, travel to places, activities, and veg time to have a great break. If the scheduling is right, I may see each child every other day as they spend time with their extended families. We use that term for the families of the friends they hang out with. We joke that my son has three hyphenated last names since the families of his buddies kind of claim him as one of their own. (I wonder if we can work that all the way through college? Oops! There I go using my out loud voice again.)
Spring Break is also the time that all children believe that everything is possible. The question was asked; Can’t we just get in the car and ride to see the grandparents? To add context to the discussion we live pretty close to the geographic center of the United States. The relatives live in the far Northeastern corner of the United States and on the East Coast. Another option was proposed by my eight-year-old son. He decided he would like to go to California for the break. We used the chance to do map reading and mapquesting to determine it would only take about 27 hours to get there. Mr. Math was on top of that saying, “it is only 1 and 3/24th of a day to get there.”(Parental pride in the math skill!) (Parental shock in realizing that he believes that I can drive that many hours without bathroom stops and sleep to arrive on the coast!) By the way, I love the sense of adventure that is developing.
We are getting ready for day two of Spring Break. The kids are using the opportunity to sleep in since most stayed up late on the first full day of Spring Break.
Friday, February 13, 2009
O'Connell Knights Men's Basketball Game on Television

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Hey! I'm gonna be an Uncle Again
I am sure that big sister Sidney is very excited.
Very cool another niece or nephew. The expected arrival is August!
My crew is excited that another cousin is on the way!
Time to start the name game.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy Birthday Boodles
In the winter snows with Maria. The friends that do spend the nights, soda and whales.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Chef In Training
This Sunday morning the elite club of egg chef's has added a new member. Hayden left the kitchen in the middle of egg preparation to find a step stool then without prompting involved his sister, Abigale, at 5, in to the egg making club.
At the end of the cooking session both sat and ate together explaining the outcome. I knew it was a hit when little sister ask big brother if she could help again next week.
Hey Papa. You have another member of the family working on the title of best Egg Maker!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Steelers vs. Cardinals = The Big Game

I also comment on the game with a touch of sadness. This will be the last real football game until August. College or Pro, the best we will get are a few classic games on the sports networks. I'll have to make the best of the game.
The activity within the big game is the advertisements. I had the chance to see the previews of the Budweiser commercials on Friday. They have done a nice job again this year. My favorite is the cost cutting meeting!
Everyone enjoy the big game safely! And, by the way, Go Steelers!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
I'm hooked on Facebook

Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happy Anniversary - Patty and Terry

If you would like to see an exciting tribute to the Amidon's follow the link to my wife's blog.
Friday, January 9, 2009
The Gift that keeps on giving
Arabian Nights by Anonymous
Call of the Wild and White Fang by Jack London
Four Feathers by A. E. W. Mason
Jungle Books by Rudyard Kipling
King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard
Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy
Tarzan of the Apes by Edgar Rice Burroughs
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Classics for boys:
Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
Kim by Rudyard Kipling
Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories by Robert Louis Stevenson
The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift
Thanks Victoria, let the reading commence.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
SEC Football - Florida wins the National Championship