Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Coaches on the Move
Nebraska, Texas A&M, Old Miss, Georgia Tech, Michigan, LSU(possibly), just to name a few. Tommy Tuberville has had his name mentioned in a number of possible openings. This would not hurt my feelings.
Keeping track of all of the changes has made it fun. I'm sure after this weekend there will be a few more.
A New Season Begins
The Game that United and Divides A Family
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Alabama Vs. Auburn
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Amazing Race
On the other hand. There could be a few challenges:
1. Asking directions. I am lucky my spouse has a geography minor. She can read a map with the best of the land navigators. This keeps the getting lost and having to ask directions to a minimum.
2. Language barrier. I have a hard enough time mastering the English language. (Evidenced in this blog.) It cracks me up to watch people, Americans, try to communicate with people who speak a language foreign to our own. You know...a little slower and a little louder, until they understand.
3. Separation from Sweet Tea. You see it every week. The participants get sent to some exotic land that doesn't have the basics of food, American food. Sweet tea is an example. I have lived overseas so I will try the local fair. But, in my more advanced age I have begun to appreciate the fine things. Sweet Tea is my favorite drink and you just can't get the good stuff everywhere.
4. Wife wanted to know who would be her partner.....this is a potential area of conflict.
5. Decision Making method.. How do the team members not decide in advance to use a decision making method? You know, the potato method, one-potato, two-potato. Flip a coin, or pick a number. It just cracks me up to see the what do you think, now, what do you think while the other teams are shooting by.
We continue to consider trying to get on the program. Please leave comments about what you see the greatest challenges would be for you to join or once on the Amazing Race.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Blog Award - You Make Me Smile!

As I accept this award this evening in my Old Navy Fleece, Target pajamas pants, and Land's End Slippers (since I'm sure the fashion press will want to know as I walk back down the red carper) It is with great humility and restrained sarcasm as I sit before you this evening in Blog World.
Seriously, my thanks to Nap Warden for the "You Make Me Smile Award." I really appreciate the kind recognition and encouragement from a fellow blogger. Nap Warden provided recognition to a novice blogger and I appreciate her kind comments.
In honor of this auspicious occasion I would like to recognize fellow bloggers that I believe, in my humble, opinion are outstanding providers of the Smile.
All about Benjamin...
Chris in Oxford
On Frozen Blog
Wilson Six
Pass on the smiles.
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Cookies are Coming, the Cookies are Coming!!

So, bloggers of the world. Pass on the link. There will be a new cookie recipe each day over a 12 day span. Think fresh, fun cookies. I do this only for the benefit of others. (Well, kind of...)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
To All the Veteran’s in My Family - Thank You
Your family appreciates you. Happy Veteran’s Day. We will never forget your service.
Walter K. Wilson (1880-1954) – US Army -World War I and World War II- Major General
Walter K. Wilson, Jr. – (1906 – 1985) – US Army - World War II, Korea, Vietnam - Lieutenant General, Chief of Army Engineers
Walter K. Wilson, III (Retired) – US Army - Vietnam
Colonel, Corps of Engineers
Fredrick Wilson (Retired) – US Army - Vietnam
Lieutenant Colonel, Armor
Fredrick Wilson, Jr. - Coast Guard - Global War on Terror
Delores Garcia Wilson (Retired) – US Navy -
Global War on Terror
Everett Coyt Dimick – US Army – World War II and Korea- MajorCharles Davidson Orrison - US Air Force- World War II, Korea, and Vietnam
John Newton Wilson – US Army - World War II -Lieutenant Colonel, United States Army American Cemetery in Normandy France. He died during the battle of Saint Lo in July 1944.

Terrence Edward Amidon – US Army
Steve Bevis- U.S. Marine Corps- Korean War

General Phillip Sheridan - US Army - Civil War
Jason Tengan - Commander, US Army, Air Force and Coast Guard - GWOT
Again we thank each of you for your service. To the families of the known and unknown, who made the ultimate sacrifice, you are also in our thoughts and prayers. Thanks to all Veteran’s everyday.

Saturday, November 10, 2007
News Flash - The French Like Us
All due respect to the French people. Not that the truly self absorbed need it. But history should teach us a lesson about the French. Each time we become friends it costs us! Then they repay us by dumping on us. Beware!
I was glad to see this interaction with the French allowed a number in Congress to find something to do! The House and Senate Dining Rooms had renamed their bits of potato that accompany a hamburger to "Freedom Fries" when the sour puss of France wouldn't play well five years ago. Well this week in Congress have flip flopped, surprise, we are back to French Fries.
Glad to see we have made great progress. Lafayette, would be proud. Liberty, Democracy and French Fried Potatoes.
Boodles got to Go in a Limbo
Yep, it came to the door to pick her up last night on here way to a birthday party. It was really long, white with lots of doors and windows.
The excitement that early in the morning drew a crowd. The Minister of Plain comes in hears that Boodles got to ride in a Limbo last night. He said it was a Hummer. Confusion of the face of the Princess. It was a Limbo, she shot back at the Minister.
I smiled and it explained it is called a Limo. Princess smiled, kissed my face and said, "It was a Hummer Limo."
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Sixteen Years Today

Don't know what life would have been like had the Big Event not taken place, nor, do I want to ever find out.
Happy Sixteenth Anniversary Punkin. I love you. Thanks for putting up with me.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
The Envelope - Please
With 404 Posts (Very cool, applause!!!!), entries from many wonderful bloggers and great comments, for a $20.00 Wal-Mart Gift Card the winner is: (Envelope Please)
Notification by e-mail to Awesome Mom has gone out electronically.
Thanks to all for participating. We had great fun. My appreciation to Funk, Wiggles and Bubbles.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
And the Winner Is!!!
Amazing Facts I Question
Another study found Americans drink, on average, 22 gallons of beer a year.
That means, on average, Americans get about 41 miles to the gallon.Kind Of Makes You Proud To Be American.
It makes me feel better to know I get better mileage than most SUV's.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Someone has some splaining' to do
Two of my children came home from school today and a travesty of justice has taken place. There should be an investigation, call CNN, get Tim Russert to come ask some tough questions, the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, and the Washington Times should be alerted.
My son and daughter are wonderful children. But, something has to give. The story I heard was unbelievable.
They each received a 103 on their spelling tests. Not a 100 plus the 5 bonus points for a total of 105 points they normally receive. This is the first time the score hasn’t been every point, all 105. What form of non-violent punishment should be used? Time to contact the President and the Attorney General Nominee to discuss what constitutes torture.
I have to keep from biting a hole in my lip. The grades on my report cards and papers rarely had scores of 103. I am very proud of them. This better not happen again! Smile!