Saturday, December 13, 2008

Iowa State Names New Auburn Football Coach

The fun continues on the prettiest little village on the plains. It appears that this afternoon the Iowa State's Athletic Director announced that Auburn University had hired Iowa State's football coach, Gene Chizik. I cracked up on how the announcement was, or wasn't handled, depending on who you believe.

They have hired a coach who has a record of 6 and 18 in the last two seasons as a head coach. I'm all about going out on a limb but, sawing the limb off the branch behind oneself is what appears to be going on here.

My question. Why would you hire someone who is a defensive coordinator? Wasn't it Auburn's failed attempt of rolling out a new offense that caused the previous coach to get the pink slip? The high school guy didn't work out. But, at least at the level he played he'd won.

Welcome to the SEC! Coach.

Things will be fun in the South Eastern Conference next year with all the new coaches opening day next year should be lots of fun.

Good Luck Auburn.

1 comment:

A Free Man said...

Would you hire someone who was 2-10? I don't get Auburn. At least they'll be easy to beat for a few years until they realize the mistake that they've made.