Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year
Join me in welcoming in 2009. I want to wish my fellow bloggers a wonderful and happy New Year. Here's hoping that 2009 is a joyous and profitable year for you and your family.
All the best in the New Year.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
The Big Hits in our House

Be the first player to advance to the Finish by creatively connecting Subjects and Letters, while racing a Random-Interval Timer and the other Players! For example, Subject: "Vegetables"... Letter: "C". Players yell out... Carrots!Cucumbers! Corn! Cauliflower! 'tick-tick' ... The player with the Last Word before the timer sounds advances.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas Eve to All
We will also have the traditional evening before Christmas bingo. This is a tradition begun many years ago on the eve of Christmas to provide some fun and entertainment with prizes.
This will be the night the kids have a hard time going to sleep.
Monday, December 22, 2008
What is your favorite Holiday Movie?
Let me know your favorite holiday movie? And a little bit of why.
Mine is A Wonderful Life. I've seen it for many years and its a classic. My favorite cartoon is the Frosty the Snowman. By today's standards the graphics are lame. But, the story is cool and the music is fun.
Are you ready to share?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Three snow days. Why can't I be a kid?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Can you say snow day?
The sound of the ice hitting the house sounded like someone was outside the house with a garden hose on the windows. Dabba wasn't a fan of the thunder ice.
This morning when I went outside to head to work I slid down my sidewalk to the driveway. It took 30 minutes to thaw my car so I could get in the thing. As I slid down the drive way into the street it was a little unnerving especially since I had only barely touched the accelerator.
My kids were loving the day off. My lovely wife was looking for some reinforcements later in the day.
The kids are excited, the weather doesn't look like it is getting any better soon, the schools cancelled classes for snow day number two. This happened even before bedtime!
So, snow day number two on the way!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Iowa State Names New Auburn Football Coach

St. Mary's Drops first Game
The next game for the Seahawks will be in St. John Fisher College Tournament on Monday, December 29 in Rochester, N.Y.
Go Seahawks!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Favorite Christmas Shopping Sites
Have any hints you want to share?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Asst. Coach Nick and Team Notch Another Win

Sunday, December 7, 2008
Another Entry for The Book
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Alabama vs. Florida - The SEC Championship Game

Friday, December 5, 2008
Holiday Programs Abound
I really enjoy getting to see my kids as they experience the parties, goodies, and crafts. The parades are some of my favorite.
Wednesday evening Dabba had her school program. She marched out on stage with her antlers and red nose while wearing a dress. In front of the throng of parents going crazy with with cameras, videos and shoe phones, making like preschool paparazzi. She was fearless..well kind of. After scanning the crowd and waves to her siblings she was ready to perform.
Fifth little one from the left
We heard jingle bells and a couple of other holiday tunes. Then a bow. Then we all lined up to talk with jolly olde Saint Nick.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving to All
Take time and pause. Give Thanks.
This is not just the day before big shopping eve. The day for the paper with the coupons, Internet specials, and football games. The day has a special meaning.
As my in-laws have called this day the fastest five minutes in food. This takes place from the minute people sit down at the table until they stand to leave. Give thanks and appreciation for all of the work that went into preparing what ever the tradition is that you celebrate on this day.
On this day I will give thanks for my wonderful family, my Mom, my siblings, my friends, and loved ones. I will take time to say a prayer for those unable to be home with friends and family and for those who are unable to be at or in their home.
Have a wonderful Thanks - Giving Day.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Catching up with Friends
That was our experience on Tuesday evening with some wonderful friends we had been keeping up with via calls and e-mail and text messages. We just didn't have the proper scheduling to get together. It had been that way for years. Then the planets, stars and schedules aligned to allow the unthinkable. Time together.
Over some pizza and beverages we sat around the table in their home and caught up. What a great evening.
We really enjoyed the time and can't wait to do it again.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Becoming a better Blogger
So, beginning today. The fun begins.
I'm trying out the new early resolution process since everything else is beginning early. The Christmas candy was put out after Halloween. The end of the year sales are now before Thanksgiving and people are releasing the Black Friday ads for stores in early October. So, why not early New Year's resolutions.
I hope this takes. If not, I hope you all had a good holiday season and isn't it a happy new year?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Eleven and Oh! - Can't believe it
Tuscaloosa is getting ready for the next big game. This upcoming game is the one that can make or break the season. This sounds horrible with a perfect record but, if you lose the game to the school across the state the the whole season can be for not.
Glad the season is going well. Just want to take them one game at a time.
Roll Tide.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Election is over. Time to deliver
To me this election has reminded me of the dog that runs off the porch to catch the car. Well, Mr. Obama, now that you caught hold of the bumper what do you plan to do with it?
It is wonderful to see the number of citizens that came out to vote. It was encouraging to see the number but disappointing at the same time. There are about 250 Million Americans. It appears that just over 100 Million voted. That is 150 Million south of the total.
The Congress is going to have to do something now. It is somewhat perplexing to me that so many incumbents that didn't do anything last term have been given the chance to return. The last session was one of the lamest in history.
Anyway, I'm sure the ads will start again in a few months. The donation requests will begin soon for the 2010 election.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Trick or Treat
My crew did the Halloween thing this week. First in school, fall festivals. Then a session at my office. The final was the real deal on Friday evening.

Dreaded Car Trouble
For some reason my trusty vehicle all of a sudden started acting strangely. It is a 2002 and it does have over 180,000 miles on it. It has been a very good and trusted method of transportation. Plus, it was paid for a long time ago! It has been cared for. This vehicle is a big part of my day. We spend 130 miles round trip together at a minimum 5 or 6 days a week. This non-talking piece of equipment is an extension of my daily life. Okay, just maybe I'm to attached. This bump in the road has caused my very independence to be limited and caused a greater dependency on others!
So the car is in the shop. We are now a one car family until it returns. Hopefully today they will determine the cause of the problem and be able to restore the trusty vehicle to consistent operation. Keep your fingers crossed. We should find something out later today.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Rolling over Rocky Top
Coach Saban and the Crimson Tide traveled to Neyland Stadium for the annual 3rd Saturday in October classic. This time the Volunteer Navy decided it should depart the scene early.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Penquins Win, Penquins Win!!!
It was a Pens versus Flyer's match. The first since the Pens bounced the Flyer's from the playoffs last year. No love lost between these two groups.
Tied at two to two, in overtime, Brooks Orpik passed to Pascal Dupuis skating down the left side and let fly with a slapshot toward the Flyer's goal. Freezing Philadelphia's goalie, Antero Nittymaki, the puck caught to corner of the net. Game over.
The next game for the Penguins is Thursday evening versus the Washington Capitals.
Go Pens!
Loving the coverage of hockey on Versus Network!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Hip Hip Oops!
The coach of the mid 70’s was Coach George Allen. He use to celebrate with a Hip, Hip, Horray! So, why not. If the team is winning. Use the cheers that winning team used.
They lost to the St. Louis Rams this weekend. So, they need to stay focused.
Hail to the Redskins! Flopped in olde DC! Seems to be par for the city by the Potomac!
Tough Weekend to be a Tiger
Not picking on the Tigers. It appeared to be a tough weekend to be a ranked team also. The Sooners of Oklahoma who were ranked number one in the coaches poll and took in on the chin from the University of Texas Longhorns. I’m sure after a couple of calls the President of the University of Oklahoma, David Boran, will ask for another federal investigation since that is what happened the last time they lost when ranked highly.
I am thrilled that my Alabama Crimson Tide were off this weekend for a bye. It wasn’t a good weekend to be ranked in the single digits. OU, LSU, Missouri, etc.
My heart goes out to the Michigan fans who are now enduring another loss to a shocking opponent. Congrats to Toledo!
The Black Knights of the Hudson must be celebrating. A two game win streak! Go Army!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Congress Goes Crazy
The first version of the bill was voted down. The reason wasn't clear until yesterday.
The Senate decided Wednesday to vote on the bill that was over 300 pages in length. Yes, the four page bail out bill was now bigger than half a ream of paper, stuffed with enough pork to make Jimmy Dean happy.
The House was also taking up the process of stuffing the bail out bill with more pork, you know, A million here. a half billion there, just for friends. On Wednesday afternoon the bill was now 451 pages and most of the people being asked to vote on the thing hadn't even read the whole bill. Gee, isn't this what caused the financial problem in the first place. People not reading the fine print on the documents they signed. OH! are we repeating the same thing just on a much more expensive and grander scale?
Oh! and by the way, it appears that the "Do Nothing Congress" under the leadership of both parties was in the process of trying to change their image. They weren't doing nothing! They had opened up the National pocket book and they were a spending. Here piggy, come and get it.....
The money was flowing. A small wooden Arrow Manufacturer in Myrtle Point, Oregon will receive $2,000,000 for inner city archery programs. The Rum Producers in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands will receive $192,000,000.
The usually vocal Hollywood producers will receive $478 Million Dollars. I wonder if Michael Moore will do an investigation movie of this? Nope, he and Oprah are getting their government handout.
Don't forget the fat cat NASCAR Red Necks. You know, the good old boys. They will receive $100 Million dollars to repave the tracks they own, and accelerate the depreciation of the tracks, saving them money on current taxes. I'm sure this will be passed on to the fans in lower ticket and concession prices. That must be the logic in Congress.
For the first time in my life I agree with Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate Leader, "this is a blight on Congress." He was talking about the no vote on the first bail out. He is correct on this deal being a blight on Congress just add the rest of the country to the comment.
Let's not leave anyone out. American Samoa will be receiving Millions in Economic Development. The Wool Research Fund is to receive money. The Coal producers are receiving tax breaks, dollars, credits, and export assistance. Don't forget the Wind Energy credits. Who was being bailed out?
It is time to find out who voted for this bill. And simply vote them out. The Members of Congress must have been giving the breaks to set up their future employment.
I am contacting my representatives and Senators today to let them know I am voting for none of the above. Regardless of political party I will be working to defeat them for being chronically Stupid. This was a Pork event, not a bail out of Main Street or Wall Street.
By the way, who will pay for this hand out of epic proportions? The same people who are putting the money in the system to pay for it now. The Middle class of America. If the people in Congress would look out the window or actually meet with real Americans they might find out that those are the people losing the jobs. So, if they don't have a job, they can't pay taxes, if they can't pay taxes, then Congress will make up the money, and...see the circular logic...we keep doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
I can't believe it. The bail out is what Congress did. They tried to bail out so they could get reelected in November.
Contact your representative today. Ask if they really read the bill? Ask if they are proud of their work? They signed it. So, let's hold them responsible for their actions.
Please send this to others.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Redskins Vs. Dallas

Saturday, September 27, 2008
What a great Saturday Sports Day!
The day started with soccer. Our youngest had two soccer games. We knew she had one. The second was a scheduling surprise.
So we go see the Blue team play, they haven't come up with a name, and the young lady scores seven goals in her first game. The picture below is one of the seven going into the goal.
We also discovered it is very difficult to take action pictures with the camera when you are trying to watch your child. You should see some of the shots we delete after the games.
At the same time all the above activity was going on Boodles, our ten year old, was playing a game at the other end of the sports complex.
Boodles played a different position than she had before and the ball was flying toward the goal. She scored a goal of her own, sent another sailing off the goal cross bar, and assisted on two other goals. She had also set up her team mates with some great crossing passes. Boodles and her team in Pink won their game
Saturday afternoon we switched to football.
What happened to Florida? Welcome to Southeastern Conference (SEC) football. Urban Meyer, some times you feel like a Nutt, sometimes you don't. Didn't you notice that Urban's press conference isn't the same when he and his team lose in The Swamp.

Then Auburn survives their game putting a beating on the Volunteers from Tennessee. I feel bad that Payton came to manage the spin for Coach Fulmer. Things will be rough in rockybottom for another week.
But the night cap was the featured game. Bama versus Georgia. Crimson Tide versus the Bulldogs. Number 8 in the nation against number 3. The first half was unreal. Georgia played like number 2, the stinky stuff.

It appears that Dawg don't hunt or do football at least last night!
If they clean up the penalties they might have a chance. Coach Richt has a persona of being on the up and up, but he has a team that is the most penalized in the SEC. We appreciated the help.
Just having some fun. Georgia has a real talented team. I can't wait to see the Georgia vs. Florida game.
Can't wait to see the poll rankings! ROLL TIDE!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thank Goodness its Friday

The Homecoming parade goes right between the schools so everyone gets to come out and see it go through town. You may recognize the little lady with the paw prints on her face as she prepares for the parade to go past.
Then everyone went to the Homecoming game on Friday night. It was a much better social event than football game.
My man H, used the game to play tackle football with some "bigger" guys. He is getting interested in playing contact football. We are hoping between now and next season that he bulks up. He really does enjoy it.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Roll Tide! Let's celebrate International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

The Soccer Machine Continues
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
It is the Economy Stupids
Instead of people making this political they should begin to understand the implications of what is happening and the connections around the world. It is not all about greed. It is not all Wall Street. Much of what we are watching has taken place on Main Street and down the street from where we live.
The oversight that was to be put in place was designed when the trading and banking systems came in person to a window with a slip of paper. Today the trades and decisions happen in milliseconds, twenty four hours a day all around the world.
This started in the sub prime market. Then the capital markets. Small businesses are looking for credit. The fundamental building blocks of our economy are being thrown around like children's toys.
Technology has driven productivity. However, it appears to have moved so quickly that the markets are unsure of who owns what to whom.
Imagine. A large financial institution on Wall Street failed. A bank in Asia is shaking because it loaned large sums of money to that institution. Countries around the world today were putting dollars into the system so that their economy would not .
Our economy is shaking. Our nations comfort and security is at risk. It is time for serious people to step forward with serious solutions to make this country, our citizens, and our way of life sound.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
A New Soccer Season Begins
What a day it was! She scored four goals in her first game. I know, I'm her dad so I am suppose to brag politely. But, four goals. Impressive.
Can't wait to see week two.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
One year of Blogging - Blog Anniversary
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day
To many people this day signals the last day of Summer. Pools close, schools open, white shoes must be stored, and the fall events begin.
Whichever event you are celebrating today have a safe, happy, holiday. Enjoy your Labor Day.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Let the Games Begin....

This should be an exciting season in the SEC. (The toughest football conference in America) As of this writing it appears that only one team didn't beat the opponent from outside of the conference.
My appreciation to the Chick-fil-a company for sponsoring the Kick Off Classic. We had the chance to have some sweet tea, and chicken with our Tiger.
Looking forward to more games. Let the games commence!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
This little lady is 5